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Definition of a douche


  • a person who is acting stupidly.
    That douche got hit with a golf ball in the groin!

    Last edited on Mar 28 2004. Submitted by JOEL D. from Toronto, ON, Canada on Mar 28 2004.


  • shortened form of douche bag.

    Citation from "What's a douche?", Sacramento News and Review, Rachel Leibrock, September 3 2009 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "Halloween", Modern Family (TV, 2010), Season 2 Episode 6 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "You've Got Male", Happy Endings (TV), Season 1 Episode 9 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.


    Citation from "The Fight", Parks and Recreation (TV), Season 3 Episode 13 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "You've Got Male", Happy Endings (TV), Season 1 Episode 9 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 01 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 06 2009.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: acronym for "blue screen of death."
Definitions include: acronym for "fuck you".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of sinsemilla.
Definitions include: Misspelling of flaky.
Definitions include: acronym for "laughing my fucking ass off".
Definitions include: acronym for "fresh off [the] boat".
Definitions include: to "represent".
Definitions include: alternate spelling/pronunciation of bitch.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "prerequisite".
Definitions include: "porn", i.e. pornography.
Definitions include: "Go home, you're drunk," as a drunk person might say it.
Definitions include: acronym for "fucked up beyond all belief".
Definitions include: abbreviation of "heinous."
Definitions include: shortened form of freaking.
Definitions include: shortening of ridiculous

Other terms relating to 'uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of)':

Definitions include: an "un-cool" person; "loser".
Definitions include: to expel air from one's vagina.
Definitions include: an unattractive or promiscuous female.
Definitions include: This definition is questionable and is pending deletion.
Definitions include: a derogatory term for females, implying promiscuity.
Definitions include: alternate spelling/pronunciation of "bitch.
Definitions include: an ugly, promiscuous, or otherwise generally unappealing female.
Definitions include: a stupid person.
Definitions include: similar to asshole.
Definitions include: an extremely stupid person.
Definitions include: missing or misplaced.
Definitions include: an insult.
Definitions include: good friend; "buddy".
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: the tip (glans) of the penis.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'douche':

Definitions include: pronounced "doo-SHAY".
Definitions include: "douche bag".
Definitions include: a derogatory term, used most often to describe males; "jerk", "asshole".
Definitions include: general derogatory term for a person.
Definitions include: a general insult; "jerk"; "asshole".
Definitions include: An expression used to call attention to someone who has experience negative consequences brought upon themselves.
Definitions include: general term for a disliked person.
Definitions include: a displeasing person.
Definitions include: to request oil and vinegar on a sub sandwich.
Definitions include: variation of "douchebag", but deemed far worse.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: An individual whose behavior causes even fellow douche bags to point out his extremity.
Definitions include: to introduce one's self, in the way that a douchebag would.

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