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Definition of helluva


  • very. Used in A-team episodes.
    That Mr. T is a helluva tough.

    Last edited on Apr 09 2013. Submitted by Kris and Katie Wright from Rose Ln, Katy, TX 77494, USA on Jul 04 1998.

  • Very much. A lot.
    You're helluva soft.

    Last edited on May 28 1999. Submitted by Jason F. from Tacoma, WA, USA on May 28 1999.


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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'very, extremely, completely, in a grand way':

Definitions include: "very".
Definitions include: a lot of; many; much.
Definitions include: far less vulgar replacement for "fucking".
Definitions include: a lot.
Definitions include: very; really; extremely.
Definitions include: to a great extent.
Definitions include: used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount.
Definitions include: "fucking".
Definitions include: extremely ugly.
Definitions include: used after a word as an intensifier or just for flair.
Definitions include: "great" as in "large in number or quantity".
Definitions include: very; really; extremely.
Definitions include: extremely.
Definitions include: in a grand way.
Definitions include: quickly, aggressively, frequently, etc.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to engage in vehicular sex, hooking up, or making out.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: to physically attack someone.
Definitions include: to kick a female in the groin.
Definitions include: a bad tooth in need of repair or pulling.
Definitions include: "these".
Definitions include: to laugh very hard.
Definitions include: simulated sex, without the removal of clothes.
Definitions include: tracksuit pants
Definitions include: alternate spelling and pronunciation of "idiot".

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Average of 21 votes: 37%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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