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Definition of presser

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'a party, event, gathering, meeting':

Definitions include: a party.
Definitions include: "anything but clothes party".
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a grand party.
Definitions include: a period of time during which one engages sexually with another person.
Definitions include: a gathering with many more males than females.
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: a gathering with many more males than females.
Definitions include: a gathering with many more males than females.
Definitions include: to hook up.
Definitions include: Burning Man.
Definitions include: to recline, as in a reclining chair.
Definitions include: used to express displeasure, disagreement, disappointment, or disgust.
Definitions include: a party.
Definitions include: a rave.

Other terms relating to 'business (related to)':

Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: a person who always agrees with superiors.
Definitions include: conventionally.
Definitions include: the acquisition of one company by another, for the purpose of acquiring the employees more so than other aspects of the company's business.
Definitions include: speech commonly found in corporations, often filled with buzzwords, jargon, and "verbed" nouns.
Definitions include: "very".
Definitions include: fully equipped and ready to go.
Definitions include: an all-night period of awakedness to finish a task.
Definitions include: work (in a professional or educational setting) that is designed to keep a person busy, but to not permit that person to accomplish anything of note.
Definitions include: to offer a promotion in a job or position in life.
Definitions include: the contract involved in an agreement.
Definitions include: a meeting.
Definitions include: the corporate headquarters of a business, or a person or group representing the corporate headquarters.
Definitions include: more than ramen profitable.
Definitions include: money used to start a business.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: variation of snap or shit.
Definitions include: acronym for "I don't even know".
Definitions include: nothing.
Definitions include: a cigarette.
Definitions include: One hypothesis is that the term comes from the region of southern Illinois known as "Little Egypt."
Definitions include: under the influence of marijuana.
Definitions include: very.
Definitions include: a news-worthy couple.
Definitions include: toilet paper.
Definitions include: excla,action of happiness or excitement.

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Average of 21 votes: 11%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="">presser</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ presser]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.