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Definition of Simon




  • the "tortured artist" half of a pair of people. Origin: refers to folk-rock 1960s duo Simon and Garfunkel. Paul Simon wrote the songs and played guitar, but he was the less outgoing/talkative one. See also Garfunkel.
    He's the Simon in that relationship.

    Last edited on Apr 02 2013. Submitted by Emily M. from UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA on Jan 13 1998.

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Other terms relating to 'a couple, a member of a couple':

Definitions include: the more outgoing person in a pair.
Definitions include: of a relationship, having members of the relationship set their relationship status on Facebook as being in a relationship with the other member(s).
Definitions include: a news-worthy couple.

Other terms relating to 'artist':

Definitions include: a writer.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "dimwit".

Other terms relating to 'yes, agreements (statements of)':

Definitions include: "alright".
Definitions include: yes; "bingo".
Definitions include: an excited "yes".
Definitions include: exclamation of excitement or approval.
Definitions include: roughly equivalent to "serious."
Definitions include: "yes".
Definitions include: "yes".
Definitions include: extremely accurate.
Definitions include: on schedule, under control, with necessary preconditions met, etc.
Definitions include: "Are you telling me the truth?" or "I'm telling you the truth."
Definitions include: see hells.
Definitions include: "your".
Definitions include: a phrase indicating approval, excitement, or support; "right on".
Definitions include: shortened for of "sure enough"; i.e. "yes", "definitely".
Definitions include: statement of agreement.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: an impressive.
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: nice buttocks.
Definitions include: stuck somewhere without a way to get home, escape or get out of the situation.
Definitions include: going to leave.
Definitions include: see touchdown.
Definitions include: to stare.
Definitions include: having breasts ("tits").
Definitions include: Yiddish: chicken fat; way too overly fancy, put on.
Definitions include: An equal opportunity

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