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Definition of air someone's dirty laundry

air (one's) dirty laundry

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Other terms relating to 'air':

Definitions include: air conditioning.
Definitions include: a fart.
Definitions include: "air conditioner".
Definitions include: pejorative term for an Air Force.
Definitions include: a form of dance/mime in which a person mimes playing a guitar while music is playing.
Definitions include: clearing one's nostrils by holding one nostril closed with one finger and forcing the other nostril clear by pressure.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "dimwit".
Definitions include: the use of the fingers to make virtual quotation marks while speaking.
Definitions include: silence on the radio.
Definitions include: the space/gap between certain women's most upper and inner thigh just below her crotch.
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
Definitions include: see hot air.
Definitions include: to go outside.
Definitions include: empty speech or writing.
Definitions include: without warning.

Other terms relating to 'dirty':

Definitions include: to be completely stupefied by losing sight of basketball.
Definitions include: an unclean person, one who doesn't care about appearance and hygiene, one who looks like they haven't taken a shower in weeks.
Definitions include: a person so promiscuous as to be disgusting.
Definitions include: Texas.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: a dude with sex permanently on the brain.
Definitions include: A person who steals something from you and then tries to justify it with a feeble excuse
Definitions include: one of many made-up "sex moves" that are degrading towards women.
Definitions include: an angered glance.
Definitions include: making sexual advances toward a person when you are already involved in a relationship.
Definitions include: a preoccupation with sex.
Definitions include: money earned or obtained illegally.
Definitions include: one of many "sex moves" that involve physical abuse of women.
Definitions include: one of many "sex moves" that are degrading towards one's sex partner.
Definitions include: the southern United States.

Other terms relating to 'laundry':

Definitions include: underwear, usually in a suggestive, playful sense.

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Average of 20 votes: 29%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="'s-dirty-laundry">air someone's dirty laundry</a>

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['s-dirty-laundry air someone's dirty laundry]

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