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Definition of Alabamain' hot pocket

Alabama hot pocket

  • The sexual act of defecating into a vagina and proceeding to have intercourse with the faeces filled vagina. Sorry francis, I can't come to the pub tonight, yoda and his wife are having an alabama hot pocket to celebrate his promotion at work.
    Sorry Francis, Yoda cant come to the pub tonight, his wife driver and him are having an Alabama hot pocket party to celebrate his promotion at work.

    Last edited on Aug 09 2022. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 09 2022.

  • What exactly is an Alabama hot pocket? We're not talking about the cheesy, creative stuff, like the Jagermeister "Hot Pocket" where a shot of Jager is poured into a Pillsbury cinnamon roll.
    This deep-fried dish is made with biscuit-like dough filled with spicy sausage. -- "Forget burnout, boreout is the new office disease", Times O - "What is a Alabama hot pocket", Triond.Net
    This deep-fried dish is made with biscuit-like dough filled with spicy sausage - "What is a Alabama hot pocket", Triond.Net

    Last edited on Apr 13 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 15 2022.

  • This deep-fried dish is made with biscuit-like dough filled with spicy sausage.

    Alabama Hot Pocket

    Last edited on Apr 13 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 13 2023.

  • This deep-fried dish is made with biscuit-like dough filled with spicy sausage.

    Alabama Hot Pocket

    Last edited on Apr 13 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 13 2023.


  • The sexual act of defecating into a vagina and proceeding to have intercourse with the faeces filled vagina.
    Sorry Dave, I can't come to the pub tonight, me and the wife are having an alabama hot pocket to celebrate my promotion at work.

    Last edited on Jan 28 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28 2016.

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Other terms relating to 'alabama':

Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: a mullet.
Definitions include: acronym for "lower Alabama".

Other terms relating to 'hot':

Definitions include: to vacillate in opinion
Definitions include: This term describes one who is very attractive from the waist up but has a large lower body.
Definitions include: great.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: see hot air.
Definitions include: to become hot under the collar (i.e. angry.)
Definitions include: -
Definitions include: to be attracted to.
Definitions include: "hot"
Definitions include: acronym for "hot like wasabi", i.e. of an Asian female, attractive.
Definitions include: stolen.
Definitions include: empty speech or writing.
Definitions include: sexually aroused.
Definitions include: with conflicting feelings.
Definitions include: sexually passionate.

Other terms relating to 'pocket':

Definitions include: mouth.
Definitions include: secret masturbation in one's pocket.
Definitions include: metaphorical pockets that contain lots of money.
Definitions include: See deep pockets.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to play with the male genitalia through the front pockets of pants.
Definitions include: a male who plays with his penis while his hands are in his pockets
Definitions include: small car with lots of power.
Definitions include: pocket full of things useful
Definitions include: got girlfriend under control.
Definitions include: a thot.

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<a href="'-hot-pocket">Alabamain' hot pocket</a>

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['-hot-pocket Alabamain' hot pocket]

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