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Definition of gotten a person's head in the game

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Other terms relating to 'game':

Definitions include: a good performance.
Definitions include: a particular important sporting event.
Definitions include: "board game".
Definitions include: boss game.
Definitions include: to deliver a good performance ("A-game").
Definitions include: British expression meaning that the speaker doesn't want to do something.
Definitions include: Too bad; there is nothing one can do; shortened - Charge it.
Definitions include: a swindle, scam.
Definitions include: the ability to attract members of the opposite sex.
Definitions include: something that radically changes a situation.
Definitions include: interjection of encouragement.
Definitions include: of no more value or no longer cool.
Definitions include: Pot and anything needed to smoke it.
Definitions include: a plan.
Definitions include: the pursuit of money.

Other terms relating to 'get':

Definitions include: very; really; extremely.
Definitions include: a phrase of one is about to be in trouble big-time or something bad is about to happen.
Definitions include: "Get ready for some serious trouble."
Definitions include: "buy one get one" free.
Definitions include: don't be mistaken; "believe it".
Definitions include: from the beginning.
Definitions include: acronym for "get back to work".
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to have sex with someone who is not one's significant other.
Definitions include: to acquire a buzz.
Definitions include: to be excited by.
Definitions include: to enjoy.
Definitions include: see clue.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: to ingest a drug.

Other terms relating to 'head':

Definitions include: an LSD user.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "dimwit".
Definitions include: In the RN/RM, 'Baby's Head' refers to tinned steak and kidney pudding which was in ration packs until the change to dehydrated rations.
Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: to face difficulties while trying to solve a problem.
Definitions include: messy hair from sleeping.
Definitions include: conceit.
Definitions include: A totally stupid or useless person
Definitions include: to reprimand.
Definitions include: a female that performs fellatio frequently, or performs it well.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio.
Definitions include: someone who is dense, thick in the head, or just plain stupid.
Definitions include: "air head" someone who is not thinking straight.
Definitions include: a truncated sentence "But-her-head" used to describe someone who's face is ugly
Definitions include: Someone who isn't that smart or isn't nice.

Other terms relating to 'in':

Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: involving everyone or everything.
Definitions include: doing something emphatically.
Definitions include: no chance.
Definitions include: something easy.
Definitions include: at some time before the present.
Definitions include: having resumed an activity that one had previously stopped performing.
Definitions include: included.
Definitions include: clitoris.
Definitions include: to intrude.
Definitions include: See barge in.
Definitions include: To beat someone up, inflict head injury
Definitions include: visible mucus in one's nostrils.
Definitions include: acronym for "be back in a bit", i.e. "I will return in a short amount of time."

Other terms relating to 'the':

Definitions include: the real information or the proof, instruction, the know how, where, when, and why about something or someone.
Definitions include: walking, generally as opposed to driving.
Definitions include: interrogation.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated
Definitions include: information.
Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.
Definitions include: a good estimate.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: inclusive.
Definitions include: to make a bad situation worse.
Definitions include: with the amount of time left to finish a task rapidly disappearing.
Definitions include: having an opinion or belief prior to it becoming common or popular.
Definitions include: of a male, to urinate.
Definitions include: Someone being butthurt over having something, they do to others regularly, done to the them
Definitions include: secret sexual activity with a person other than one's partner.

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Average of 7 votes: 23%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="'s-head-in-the-game">gotten a person's head in the game</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

['s-head-in-the-game gotten a person's head in the game]

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