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Definition of guffin'


  • Free stuff.
    There is some guff left over in the kitchen if anyone is hungry.

    Last edited on Jun 25 1999. Submitted by Ian K. from MI, USA on Jun 25 1999.

  • insults, shit talk.
    yo man, why are you taking guff from that yokel?

    Last edited on Aug 18 2002. Submitted by Tim T. from Fairport, NY, USA on Aug 18 2002.

  • giving someone trouble about what they did.
    Don't give me any guff about it.

    Last edited on Aug 18 2002. Submitted by Joshua R. from Scottsdale, AZ, USA on Aug 18 2002.

  • an un-informed opinion offered as fact.

    Last edited on Oct 05 2005. Submitted by Charles ". on Oct 05 2005.


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Definitions include: an unpleasant woman.
Definitions include: a warning shouted out to let others know that the police are arriving or close by, especially when there is illicit activity going on.
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Definitions include: very ugly.
Definitions include: "have to".
Definitions include: units of money.
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: Featured in the episode of "SpongeBob" episode called "SB-129", this character became a meme about 12 years after the episode aired for the 1st time. He usually represents moments of fear, confusion, and surprise. He's also a representation of how some people are in sexual situations.

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