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Definition of swaggleddin'



  • To get swaggled by someone is a cross between being swindled and fanagled. " I was swaggled by my friends when they asked me if we wanted a kitty in front of my daughter".

    Last edited on May 15 2014. Submitted by baaadass bitch on May 15 2014.

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Definitions include: excited.
Definitions include: a person who is particularly noteworthy for his or her ability, deserving admiration.
Definitions include: angry or upset
Definitions include: two drinks: one for each hand.
Definitions include: v. To shock with outrageous behavior. ('furry' subculture).
Definitions include: an attractive Caucasian female.
Definitions include: a general exclamation.
Definitions include: acronym for "as soon as humanly possible".
Definitions include: Another term used for a good friend too cool for his own good.
Definitions include: girlfriend and boyfriend

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