The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 1 of new words for August 25, 2024




  • dejected or depressed
    This is a French word that means to go down or to abate. It is often used in reference to the tide going out. Roulette.
    Abatide can be used to describe something that is decreasing or diminishing. For example: "The abatide tide exposed the rocks on the beach". Buckshot Roulette.
    The difference between dejected and depressed, is that dejected can also mean low in spirits in a figurative sense. Being low in spirits has more spiritual resonance and is very usually a temporary feeling, while being depressed is over the course of a long time, which can range from a series of weeks to beyond years. Abatide can mean both dejected the temporary feeling and depressed the long-term feeling. I apologize if I am wrong in any way, if I am wrong in anyway please tell me I am wrong, this is because I chronically make incredibly many mistakes.

    Last edited on Aug 29 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • Diligence or wrath or any value in-between diligence and wrath, can also mean ruddy

    comes from Hebrew

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • arguementer, especially the argument starter

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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Anger Biconditioning Cycle, the


  • the cycle where something angers someone and because of anger biconditioning, that someone remembers that something strongerly than if they had not had anger in the mental presence of that something, therefore causing this mental connection to strengthen repeatedly, causing that someone to get angry at that thing again.

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • purple or red-purple or purple threads and cloth, especially masculine, or a value inbetween adom and tekeleth.

    comes from Hebrew

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • someone currently in an argument

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • to acknowledge, especially from or at a distance

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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  • to defragment a word so that its lost etymological sounds are brought

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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