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Browsing page 1 of new words for August 30, 2024


Addiction Barrier Urge


  • A strong urge to do something good though because one's addiction is strong, oneself has very little motivation to do that thing.

    This word is a hypernym of Impulsio barriere addictio

    Last edited on Aug 30 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30 2024.

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  • A mind of oneself that is not functioning differently than the body of oneself

    Etymology: heter + mind
    I accidentally typed "not" when I shouldn't had typed the word "not". I apologize for the typo, the defintion above is suppose to be, "A mind of oneself that is functioning differently than the body of oneself".

    Last edited on Aug 30 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30 2024.

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  • The state or tendency of the mind of oneself to function differently than the body of oneself

    Etymology: hetermind + -ity

    Last edited on Aug 30 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30 2024.

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Impulsio barriere addictio


  • A strong urge to do something good though because one's addiction is strong, oneself has very little motivation to do that thing, especially followed by moments of desperation especially deep-seated though very mild desperation and also especially of including hopelessness which usually is especially statutory and surrounding-based, which usually and especially can also include feelings of isolation, light-headedness and willingness to do something usually having a strong difference between the amount of motivation in one's mind and one's body.

    This word is a hyponym of Addiction Barrier Urge

    Last edited on Aug 30 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30 2024.

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