Definition of gobsmacked
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'surprised, surprising ':
Definitions include: something impressive, whether good or bad.
Definitions include: a sexual "move" performed by putting two fingers in the vagina and one in the anus.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: shock experienced upon seeing the selling price of an item.
Definitions include: to unpleasantly surprise one with a fact.
Definitions include: to take LSD.
Definitions include: truthfully.
Definitions include: a person or object that erred.
Definitions include: any person whom the speaker doesn't know well.
Slang terms with the same root words
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Definitions include: to tape something very firmly.
Definitions include: generally refers to a person of lose morals but it can also imply that the person is not all that intelligent and somewhat of a loser.
Definitions include: ninefold worse
Definitions include: a beautiful woman.
Definitions include: This describes a fatalist, philosophical view of life, based upon the military slang term for a mission which is terminal.
Definitions include: contraction of bimbo and ho .
Definitions include: chronic oversleeping due to health issues
Definitions include: net, trigraphive form
Definitions include: To be in an extremely bad mood.
Definitions include: gross, unappealing.
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20% (See the most vulgar words .)
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