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Definition of a bang hole

bang hole


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Other terms relating to 'anus':

Definitions include: a person who is offensive, pompous, rude, unkind, impolite, etc.; "jerk".
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: anus.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: anus.
Definitions include: defecation causing extreme pain, and audible growling sounds.
Definitions include: to engage in anal sex on the giving end.
Definitions include: buttocks.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: an anus.
Definitions include: a bathroom; restroom.
Definitions include: the rectum.
Definitions include: the anus.

Other terms relating to 'promiscuous':

Definitions include: a prostitute.
Definitions include: a girl who dress up for a hockey games hoping to get a date with the players.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a promiscuous, flirtatious girl or one who dresses provocatively.
Definitions include: a promiscuous person.
Definitions include: an ugly, promiscuous, or otherwise generally unappealing female.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: promiscuous.
Definitions include: a police officer.
Definitions include: "slut" (promiscuous female) + "cunt" (derogatory term for a female.)
Definitions include: a promiscuous person.
Definitions include: a "hoe", i.e. a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a person who disapproves of something.
Definitions include: a sexually promiscuous member of a sorority.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.

Other terms relating to 'vulva ('vagina'), female genitalia':

Definitions include: a displeasing person; "idiot".
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: vulva ("vagina").
Definitions include: women.
Definitions include: mouth.
Definitions include: the external female genitalia.
Definitions include: sexual activity or intercourse.
Definitions include: Good looking person ( Australian Aboriginal Slang)
Definitions include: wimp, sissy, coward.
Definitions include: a dilapidated place.
Definitions include: the vagina.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: the vulva.
Definitions include: "vehicle".
Definitions include: female genitalia.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'bang':

Definitions include: a car with 4 cylinders.
Definitions include: to have, to take.
Definitions include: a person that you would have sex with; not a gorgeous person but an average person
Definitions include: to have sex with a person ("bang") and then have them leave ("boot").
Definitions include: a friend who one isn't dating but "bangs" (i.e. has sex with); "friend with benefits".
Definitions include: To be beat up.
Definitions include: a person who one wants to bang (i.e. have sex with.)
Definitions include: return on one's money spent.
Definitions include: Slang for the phrase "Doing This For Sprite" Compare to: Numbers used to replace words like to, too, for, four, ate, date, straight, hate, faith , startin'and somethin'. Example: From Me 2 U..
Definitions include: to test something before it is released or presented.
Definitions include: to have sex with a woman.
Definitions include: to face difficulties while trying to solve a problem.
Definitions include: to hit or cause bodily injury.
Definitions include: sexually attractive.
Definitions include: excellent.

Other terms relating to 'hole':

Definitions include: the clubhouse bar at a golf course.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: extremely drunk.
Definitions include: a fictional location used to denote a place that is very remote.
Definitions include: See asshole.
Definitions include: butthole/jackass
Definitions include: anus.
Definitions include: mouth.
Definitions include: a garage.
Definitions include: a vagina.
Definitions include: to engage in anal sex on the giving end.
Definitions include: the entrance to the vagina.
Definitions include: jerk; "asshole".
Definitions include: derogatory term for mouth

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Average of 19 votes: 72%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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[ a bang hole]

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