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Definition of a bittie



  • an attractive female.
    Where are the bitties tonight?

    Last edited on Sep 19 2010. Submitted by Nick K. from Fairview, PA, USA on Oct 29 2004.

  • a large breast. Shortened form of tig ol' bitty.
    I sunk my face in her bitties.

    Last edited on Sep 19 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16 2010.

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Other terms relating to 'breast, breasts':

Definitions include: visible lower breast ("boob").
Definitions include: "boob" i.e. breast.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: contact between an ear and a boob (breast.)
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: large breasts.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: "tits and ass."
Definitions include: Boobs, usually big ones.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: breasts.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: acronym for "itty bitty titty".

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: A Russian rifle; AK-47.
Definitions include: a previous criminal charge.
Definitions include: acronym for "fuck outta here".
Definitions include: a five dollar bill.
Definitions include: any number of definitions coined following the public revelation of Tiger Woods' marital infidelities.
Definitions include: A circumcised male or circumcised penis. Well-known especially in Britain when boys compared their penises, and circumcision status, in school or college changing rooms. The uncircumcised are called cavaliers. The term refers humorously to the opposing sides in the English Civil War (1642-1651). In that war the Parliamentarians wore steel helmets and were nicknamed Roundheads. The Cavaliers were Royalists who had long flowing hair. The exposed glans penis of a circumcised male has some resemblance to such a helmet.
Definitions include: acronym of "away from keyboard."
Definitions include: Applies to men while playing golf. If you hit the ball and don't make it past the ladies tee this is called a dick out. At which point you are supposed to play with your pants unzipped for the rest of that hole.
Definitions include: variant of "smooth".
Definitions include: Someone who tells another what to do.

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