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Definition of a bleg



  • From the back to the leg, having a flat rear end

    Not even booty underpants could help out Jenny's bleg.

    Last edited on Jan 18 2015. Submitted by kdizy on Jan 18 2015.

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Definitions include: short for definitely obvious.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: adding food high in saturated fat to a high carbohydrate food type.
Definitions include: exclamation of displeasure; "crap!"; "shoot!".
Definitions include: A modified van of sorts, serving food to construction/office areas, mainly during lunch hours.
Definitions include: used to describe someone who's being undesirable in some way, be it sketchy (see definition) or just plain dumb.
Definitions include: insult to female. " cunt"
Definitions include: sexual activity involving the anus.
Definitions include: acronym for "big beautiful woman".
Definitions include: under pressure.

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