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Definition of a CEM



  • a Christian who attends church only on Christmas, Easter and Mother's Day.

    Last edited on Jul 22 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 29 2012.

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Other terms relating to 'christmas':

Definitions include: a good solution to a problem
Definitions include: the phenomenon whereby the beginning of the Christmas shopping "season" beings earlier each consecutive year.
Definitions include: a general exclamation.
Definitions include: euphemism for Jesus Christ.

Other terms relating to 'day':

Definitions include: commercial software available for piracy on the same day it is released to the public.
Definitions include: acronym for "all day I dream about sex".
Definitions include: an unknown future time.
Definitions include: at some time before the present.
Definitions include: a day during which one can't make one's hair look good.
Definitions include: "birthday."
Definitions include: never.
Definitions include: phrase acknowledging or expressing sadness.
Definitions include: to stop performing a task.
Definitions include: acronym for "day after drunk shits".
Definitions include: a day off from work.
Definitions include: every day and all day; "constantly".
Definitions include: a long time.
Definitions include: acronym for "End of Day."
Definitions include: for a long time.

Other terms relating to 'easter':

Definitions include: Speculation about the origin of the term includes the custom of the Easter Egg hunt observed in the U.S. and many parts of Europe, as well Faberge' eggs containing hidden objects.

Other terms relating to 'mother':

Definitions include: an ugly face.
Definitions include: acronym of "adios mother fucker."
Definitions include: acronym for "bad-ass mother fucker".
Definitions include: a bitch-ass motherfucker.
Definitions include: acronym for "baby mother", i.e. the mother of a male's child.
Definitions include: a good friend that is more like a brother.
Definitions include: contraction of "fucking ugly mother fucker".
Definitions include: an exclamation of amazement or excitement.
Definitions include: acronym for "head mother fucker in charge."
Definitions include: acronym for "head mother fucker what's in charge".
Definitions include: exclamation of alarm / amazement.
Definitions include: exclamation of alarm / amazement.
Definitions include: Threatening rain.
Definitions include: acronym for "lame-ass mother fucker".
Definitions include: acronym for "laughing my mother fucking ass off".

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