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Definition of a Christmahanukwanzakah

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Other terms relating to 'holidays (list of)':

Definitions include: "Thanksgiving".
Definitions include: See Chrismahanukwanzakah.
Definitions include: all-inclusive term for the holiday season at the end of the Gregorian calendar.
Definitions include: the phenomenon whereby the beginning of the Christmas shopping "season" beings earlier each consecutive year.
Definitions include: a holiday featured in a Seinfeld episode which includes the "Airing of Grievances" and "Feats of Strength".
Definitions include: "Christmas".
Definitions include: Christmas, especially the more secular and commercial aspects.
Definitions include: "the holidays".
Definitions include: Thanksgiving.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: alternate spelling of "honey".
Definitions include: off for a babb: to go to a restroom to defecate.
Definitions include: a room in which teens and adults learn about rap culture.
Definitions include: Dick, jerk, ass, bitch
Definitions include: a way of saying "blow your mind" to confusion.
Definitions include: A Chimpnado is a riotous gathering in which participants behavior is savage, destructive and less than expected of a civilized person. Compare to riotous
Definitions include: to be kicked out of a relationship.
Definitions include: something one is extremely proud of and which gives one joy, especially one's children.
Definitions include: a large piece of feces.
Definitions include: a general insult.

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Average of 3 votes: 4%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a Christmahanukwanzakah</a>

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[ a Christmahanukwanzakah]

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