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Definition of a dead rubber

dead rubber


  • used to describe something or someone that is boring and/or uneventful.
    That party was dead rubber.
    Dave won't go out, he's dead rubber.
    • See more words with the same meaning: boring.

    Last edited on Mar 13 2000. Submitted by Shak from Winston Hills, NSW, Australia on Mar 13 2000.

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Other terms relating to 'boring':

Definitions include: overly formal; "boring".
Definitions include: "bored".
Definitions include: boring.
Definitions include: to make a person extremely bored.
Definitions include: something boring.
Definitions include: sarcastic remark used to convey a lack of interest in a boring story.
Definitions include: acronym for "cool story, bro".
Definitions include: bland, uninspired, boring, or insipid.
Definitions include: extremely boring.
Definitions include: very bored.
Definitions include: something boring.
Definitions include: used to express displeasure, disagreement, disappointment, or disgust.
Definitions include: uptight, stingy, conservative; "by the book".
Definitions include: completely uninteresting.
Definitions include: extremely bored.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'dead':

Definitions include: to bring up a subject that was resolved (or should have been resolved) long ago.
Definitions include: be in serious trouble.
Definitions include: unintelligent, unwise, inefficient, etc.
Definitions include: to deliberately ignore someone when you meet them.
Definitions include: acronym for "drop dead gorgeous".
Definitions include: to consume or use up.
Definitions include: silence on the radio.
Definitions include: "serious"; "not lying".
Definitions include: without money
Definitions include: extremely drunk - passed out or near to passing out.
Definitions include: extremely tired.
Definitions include: of an activity, an insurmountable obstacle.
Definitions include: a person who simply lays there during sex, without responding.
Definitions include: dead people or persons.
Definitions include: accurate; "dead on".

Other terms relating to 'rubber':

Definitions include: to accelerate quickly in an automobile, such that the tires don't get traction with the ground and spin freely.
Definitions include: to accelerate quickly in an automobile, such that the tires don't get traction with the ground and spin freely.
Definitions include: a condom.
Definitions include: a check written without sufficient funds to cover it.
Definitions include: nickname for Akron, Ohio.
Definitions include: the "bypassing" of encryption via beating a person with a rubber hose until they provide their password.
Definitions include: to approve without debate or significant thought.
Definitions include: an insult or retort to an insult.
Definitions include: a placeholder name for a remote, unhip location.

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