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Definition of a donut



  • A stupid person John: why are you looking at my girl bro,are you a donut

    Last edited on Dec 16 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16 2020.


  • a circular shape on the ground made from the tires of a vehicle spinning in place.
    That guy got pissed at me, got in his car, and made a donut in my front yard.
    Yes, I saw the donut.

    Last edited on Apr 19 2013. Submitted by Cedric O. from Rocklin, CA, USA on Oct 25 1999.

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Other terms relating to 'driving and driving maneuvers':

Definitions include: to change lanes rapidly while driving in an attempt to get ahead of the traffic.
Definitions include: to relax, usually with other friends; "chill".
Definitions include: not a stop, but rather a slight deceleration before driving past a stop sign.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: to drive off-road, typically in a four-wheel drive vehicle.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: a coward.
Definitions include: to drive a motor vehicle at top speed.
Definitions include: to rapidly accelerate in a motor vehicle.
Definitions include: to make a U turn.
Definitions include: an event in which occupants of a stopped car (usually at a traffic signal) exit the car, run around it, and then re-enter the car.
Definitions include: a U-turn.
Definitions include: to perform a U-turn.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'donut':

Definitions include: to pearl, eat it, go head over heels, endo, wipeout.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "I'd bet you dollars to donuts".
Definitions include: the mouth.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio.

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