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Definition of a dooky

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'feces':

Definitions include: dirt, dirty.
Definitions include: feces.
Definitions include: shit, or if something is shitty.
Definitions include: feces.
Definitions include: cow feces.
Definitions include: feces.
Definitions include: diarrhea.
Definitions include: acronym for "bowel movement."
Definitions include: fermented human waste, inhaled for the (alleged) intoxicating effects.
Definitions include: See bullshit.
Definitions include: a piece of fecal matter that won't go down the toilet when it is flushed.
Definitions include: German for shit.
Definitions include: a piece of feces.
Definitions include: to rest.
Definitions include: a piece of feces.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: the practice of rubbing the vulvas together to produce orgasm.
Definitions include: a reserve fund.
Definitions include: To frequently masturbate oneself excessively and/or violently.
Definitions include: diarrhea.
Definitions include: about a female, to masturbate.
Definitions include: to measure or weight a blueberry, especially used in commercial agriculture
Definitions include: to inject drugs with a hypodermic needle.
Definitions include: Female who has had sex with a lot men. If she had as many dicks sticking out of her, as went in her, she'd look like a porcupine.
Definitions include: when a famous person befriends the paparazzi and begins to feel a connection with them.
Definitions include: skilled in conversation.

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Average of 20 votes: 47%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a dooky</a>

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[ a dooky]

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