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Definition of a flat


  • multiple definitions: dead, no action, lousy, quiet.
    That was a rather flat party.

    Last edited on Sep 12 2003. Submitted by Lauren O. from Milwaukee, WI, USA on Sep 12 2003.



  • an apartment.


    Citation from "Episode 2", Misfits (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2009) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Oct 09 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 09 2012.

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Other terms relating to 'food and drink (related to)':

Definitions include: a six-pack of beer.
Definitions include: acronym for "unidentifiable food-like object".
Definitions include: a alcoholic beverage consumed "on the road" (i.e. in a vehicle.)
Definitions include: a drink of cocaine dissolved in vodka
Definitions include: a police officer.
Definitions include: coffee.
Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: defecation causing extreme pain, and audible growling sounds.
Definitions include: to hold two alcoholic drinks, one in each hand.
Definitions include: to eat.
Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: a 40 ounce bottle of an alcoholic beverage.
Definitions include: to get drunk.

Other terms relating to 'house, home':

Definitions include: a mobile home.
Definitions include: high-crime, low-income urban housing developments.
Definitions include: house.
Definitions include: clothing
Definitions include: a residence.
Definitions include: an impressive buffet of food.
Definitions include: See the projects.
Definitions include: to lend (money).
Definitions include: annoyed, angry, upset, disappointed.
Definitions include: a place of residence.
Definitions include: "my residence."
Definitions include: a residence or work place.
Definitions include: home.
Definitions include: "the projects".
Definitions include: a residence that helps in attracting women.

Other terms relating to 'small breasted':

Definitions include: a female with small breasts.
Definitions include: a metaphorical group consisting of all women with itty bitty (small) titties (breasts).
Definitions include: an extremely small breast.
Definitions include: acronym for "Itty Bitty Titty Committee".

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'flat':

Definitions include: to be a prostitute.
Definitions include: a docile sexual partner.
Definitions include: completely broke.
Definitions include: police
Definitions include: Unready, incapable of responding to an assault.
Definitions include: a person with whom one shares a flat; "roommate".
Definitions include: When you say "flat out" that means there should not be any questions or hesitations.
Definitions include: very busy.
Definitions include: the event in which a person's shoe comes off (partially or completely) due to the heel being stepped on by a person or animal.
Definitions include: in prostitute terms: it's a client who likes 'head standing' i.e. a masochist.
Definitions include: total; complete.

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