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Definition of a flipper



  • a promiscuous female; "ho".
    That girl is a flipper.

    Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by tameika n. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Mar 27 2002.

  • a state of anger or insanity or behavior different than normal.
    That guy is on a mental flipper, he freaked out and broke the window.

    Last edited on Mar 28 2013. Submitted by grapho-mo from Toronto, ON, Canada on Jun 03 2012.

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Other terms relating to 'promiscuous':

Definitions include: a general insult, usually applied to females.
Definitions include: a promiscuous sorority member.
Definitions include: a person who player hates.
Definitions include: a person who disapproves of something.
Definitions include: an ugly, promiscuous, or otherwise generally unappealing female.
Definitions include: a promiscuous, flirtatious girl or one who dresses provocatively.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: a skeezy ho.
Definitions include: a promiscuous person; "slut"; "skank".
Definitions include: a promiscuous person.
Definitions include: a whore - i.e. a promiscuous (usually female) person, or an actual prostitute (usually female) - who is not doing well financially.
Definitions include: a promiscuous person - usually a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: contraction of "chunky skank," that is, a fat, promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: promiscuous.

Other terms relating to 'woman, women, female':

Definitions include: misspelling of "femme fatale".
Definitions include: to lie to; deceive.
Definitions include: an extremely ugly female.
Definitions include: an unattractive female or one with a bad reputation.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: a girl who has dyed her hair blonde.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: misspelling of hussy.
Definitions include: a person who acts stupid or does something stupid.
Definitions include: a physically masculine woman.
Definitions include: an attractive older woman.
Definitions include: an attractive older woman or an attractive mother.
Definitions include: an attractive female.
Definitions include: an attractive older woman.
Definitions include: vagina.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'flip':

Definitions include: to ingest LSD and Ecstasy (MDMA) at the same time.
Definitions include: to be extremely worried or concerned.
Definitions include: exclamation of displeasure; "crap!"; "shoot!".
Definitions include: to perform a U-turn.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: to become very mad or very angry at something or someone.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: you don't know what you be talking about.
Definitions include: to raise only the middle finger in someone's direction.
Definitions include: to lose one's temper.
Definitions include: to freak out.
Definitions include: flipped: strange, unusual, crazy, bizarre etc.
Definitions include: a "polite" replacement for the word "fucking."
Definitions include: to really freak out.

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