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Definition of a gobbie



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Other terms relating to 'fellatio, 'blowjob'':

Definitions include: fellatio; "a blowjob".
Definitions include: to clean.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: an alcoholic beverage consumed "on the road" (i.e. in a vehicle.)
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: acronym for "blowjob", i.e. fellatio.
Definitions include: a female who performs fellatio frequently.
Definitions include: to hit someone in the head quite hard.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio on; "blow".
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: fellatio performed while the receiver is driving an automobile.
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: for a male to receive oral sex.
Definitions include: acronym for "ass-to-mouth", i.e. a sex act in which anal sex is immediately followed by fellatio or cunnilingus.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: A term used for scientific jargon when a person talks around a subject without a clear and concise answer or explanation. The goal is to confuse, avoid, or deflect about certain subject matter but still seem credible on the topic. Compare with bullshit Compare with talking points
Definitions include: to move or to go.
Definitions include: a person or thing in disarray.
Definitions include: to need to defecate badly.
Definitions include: This is a political insult which combines Democrat with hypocrite.
Definitions include: bastard.
Definitions include: tetra or tetrafish, monosyllabic form
Definitions include: If someone looks really weird, they must be from planet wrong.
Definitions include: the state of being cheesy.
Definitions include: a declaration of victory or superiority.

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Average of 127 votes: 57%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a gobbie</a>

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[ a gobbie]

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