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Definition of a happy hat

happy hat


  • a condom.
    I need to go to Condom Kingdom to get a happy hat.
    • See more words with the same meaning: condom.

    Last edited on Apr 12 2011. Submitted by Jock E. from Braddock Pl, Dallas, TX 75232, USA on Mar 14 1998.

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Other terms relating to 'condom':

Definitions include: to lie to; deceive.
Definitions include: a cigarette rolling paper.
Definitions include: a condom.
Definitions include: an undesirable person - usually one who is without morals or decency.
Definitions include: to urinate.
Definitions include: condom.
Definitions include: a condom
Definitions include: condom.
Definitions include: a condom.
Definitions include: hair or hair style.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'happy':

Definitions include: "not all there".
Definitions include: happy and content.
Definitions include: misfortune that has a positive result.
Definitions include: happy and content.
Definitions include: very happy.
Definitions include: a contented person.
Definitions include: a happy person.
Definitions include: a marijuana cigarette; "joint".
Definitions include: a mixture of powdered high-sugar substances eaten or snorted by children and adolescents.
Definitions include: a handjob given by a masseuse/masseur after a massage.
Definitions include: any powdered drug that makes the drug taker happier or more energetic.
Definitions include: the area of space between the upper thighs, directly beneath the crotch, of slender women.
Definitions include: sexual intercourse.
Definitions include: a woman who has sex with men because it genuinely makes her content and happy.
Definitions include: an antidepressant pill.

Other terms relating to 'hat':

Definitions include: someone who thinks they know what they're talking about but makes no logical sense
Definitions include: at any moment; without persuasion
Definitions include: person who engages in computer security breaching for malicious purposes.
Definitions include: To leave somewhere, preferably quickly.
Definitions include: hair or hair style.
Definitions include: hair that has been put awry by wearing a hat.
Definitions include: thanks.
Definitions include: to move quickly.
Definitions include: "hat tip".
Definitions include: condom.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: someone who sells drugs and other illegal substances.
Definitions include: familiar to the point of being boring.
Definitions include: condom.
Definitions include: when a person's nipples stand out on end due to cold temperature or stimulation.

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<a href="">a happy hat</a>

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[ a happy hat]

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