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Definition of a hayseed



  • a person from a rural area; "bumpkin".
    Anyone living outside of Manhattan is a hayseed.

    Last edited on Nov 07 2013. Submitted by JB Chambers from New York, NY, USA on Sep 14 1997.

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Other terms relating to 'rural dweller':

Definitions include: an unattractive person from the Bush, i.e. the country-side of Australia.
Definitions include: see good old boy.
Definitions include: a person from a rural area.
Definitions include: a moron or lazy person, typically residing in a rural area; "bumpkin".
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: a person from a rural area; uncool person.
Definitions include: a person who lives in a rural area.
Definitions include: poor, uneducated Caucasians.
Definitions include: an uncultured person who lives in a rural area.
Definitions include: a person who is of the red-neck, trailer trash, low morals variety.
Definitions include: a person from a rural area; "hick".
Definitions include: in the manner of a slack-jaw.
Definitions include: an unsophisticated person from a rural area.
Definitions include: abbreviation for redneck.
Definitions include: a certain type of person living in the rural/southern United States; "hick"; "redneck".

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: a man who prematurely ejaculates.
Definitions include: A local who has no education or job prospects.
Definitions include: used car used for parts
Definitions include: Greeting, synonymous with what's going on.
Definitions include: a lot if people crammed into a line or queue, or a gridlocked traffic.
Definitions include: See break up.
Definitions include: to move quickly.
Definitions include: the media and technology firms of Manhattan, New York.
Definitions include: A list of enemies a person plans to address when "it" hits the fan (SHTF), after the collapse of society and law enforcement is no longer there to enforce the laws.
Definitions include: a small amount.

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