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Definition of a mixologist



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Definitions include: Annoying girl that thinks she can roast but kinda can
Definitions include: To make a transition and to make the frequency of transitions more high so that there are more transitions.
Definitions include: "you are".
Definitions include: to urinate (male)
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: specifically, mushrooms containing psychedelic compounds.
Definitions include: Gook is a Korean word used as a bad slang towards people of Asian culture. It's original meaning translates to "people of". Americans are known as Mi-gook, Korean's are Han-gook, and so on. The word Gook was probably taught to American GI's during the Korean War, who bastardized it's use. It surfaced again and was used by GI's who later fought in VietNam. It's still used as a common, non-derogatory, word in Korea and as a slang in other parts of the world.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of rock.
Definitions include: people.
Definitions include: to exhale loudly due to anger.

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[ a mixologist]

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