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Definition of a pansy


  • a wuss, weak, 'gay', a word used to insult a person. Also panzi.
    That kid is such a panzy.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Sara from FL, USA on Oct 17 2002.

  • a male scared to do anything that a male, or in extreme cases female, would normally do with ease (see also wuss).
    He is such a pansy.

    Last edited on Feb 20 2003. Submitted by david w. from Acworth, GA, USA on Feb 20 2003.


  • weakling; wimp.
    You are such a pansy.


    Citation from "Whistler's Mother", Arrested Development (TV), Season 1 Episode 20 (2004) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2016. Submitted by Khristy from AR, USA on Jan 14 2000.

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