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Definition of an E-blin'



  • An aggregate grouping or series of stylized printings, fonts, icons, emoticons, avatars, proverbs, etc., usually found at the end of an e-mail message uniquely identifying and personifying the sender. From "electronic" + "bling".

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Blaisep2 from Atlantic Highlands, NJ, USA on May 16 2011.

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Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: to switch between tasks, requiring one to switch their focus on the new task.
Definitions include: high-performing.
Definitions include: acronym of "pain in the ass."
Definitions include: the typical amount of computing resources taken up by a computer program.
Definitions include: acronym for "for what it's worth".
Definitions include: acronym for "laughing my mother fucking ass off".
Definitions include: shareware that uses guilt to encourage users to pay the "registration" cost.
Definitions include: to add something to the beginning; "prefix".
Definitions include: a seminar conducted over the web.
Definitions include: a window that appears when a computer program is started, but before its main interface is displayed.
Definitions include: acronym for "shut your ass up".
Definitions include: a cable connector device with either two male or two female connectors on it, used to connect mismatched cables.
Definitions include: in the user interface of a software product (including websites,) something that displays the locations that the user has recently viewed or visited.
Definitions include: used at the end of text-based communication to indicate that the content was sarcastic.
Definitions include: product(s) announced far before any release (even beta) has been made.

Other terms relating to 'jewelry (related to)':

Definitions include: to be great, exciting, or fun.
Definitions include: to pretend to be someone else.
Definitions include: a very attractive person; "a perfect ten".
Definitions include: to affix ice (diamonds or other jewelry) to an object.
Definitions include: a spelling variant of candy, i.e. colorful (usually plastic) jewelry worn by ravers.
Definitions include: teeth.
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: diamond-containing jewelry.
Definitions include: any expensive, flashy, or shiny jewelry, usually gold or silver, esp. bracelets, chains, earrings.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'bling':

Definitions include: shiny, used to describe jewelry.
Definitions include: any expensive, flashy, or shiny jewelry, usually gold or silver, esp. bracelets, chains, earrings.
Definitions include: to display bling-bling.
Definitions include: see bling bling.
Definitions include: To look nice or appear to have large cash flow.
Definitions include: stylish.
Definitions include: a Rolex watch.

Other terms relating to 'e':

Definitions include: prefix added to a noun to make it Internet-related.
Definitions include: an Ecstasy (MDMA) tablet.
Definitions include: Short for e-mail address.
Definitions include: The act of observing a public or private incident or accident using a cell phone to send video, pix and / or text.
Definitions include: "send me an e-mail."
Definitions include: E-mix is slang for electronic mix as in digital download.
Definitions include: see e-penis.
Definitions include: "electronic penis".
Definitions include: When someone is high on Ecstasy (MDMA) and wants to just sit in a corner somewhere with their eyes shut.
Definitions include: a person strongly under the influence of Ecstasy (MDMA).
Definitions include: under the influence of Ecstasy (MDMA).
Definitions include: Not long ago, at Disney World/Land you had to purchase a book of tickets to ride the carnival rides.
Definitions include: a ride of excitement or great fun.
Definitions include: Old English malt liquor.
Definitions include: When your face is covered in vaseline after doing a vaseline handjob/blowjob

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<a href="'">an E-blin'</a>

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