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Definition of an eleventeener



  • Can be used to describe a girl or group of girls, while driving by

    Last edited on Sep 21 2004. Submitted by Austin c. from Isla Vista, California, USA on Sep 21 2004.


  • a young girl who dresses as if she was in high school or college.
    Look at all these girls at the mall. They are all eleventeeners!

    Last edited on Sep 21 2004. Submitted by Austin c. from Isla Vista, California, USA on Sep 21 2004.

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Other terms relating to 'eleven':

Definitions include: under 18, jail bait.
Definitions include: A large number or long list of, An infinite or un-countable quantity of, intentionally implausible quantitative description used to exaggerate.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female; "ho".

Other terms relating to 'teen':

Definitions include: under 18, jail bait.
Definitions include: Smells like teen Smear it
Definitions include: a teenager.

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