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Definition of Arizona otter pop

Arizona otter pop

  • To take ones feces and use it to fuck one with.

    That bitch let me Arizona otter pop her

    Last edited on Mar 18 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18 2015.

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Other terms relating to 'arizona':

Definitions include: to use a flattened Arizona-band tallboy can to smoke marijuana.

Other terms relating to 'pop':

Definitions include: flavored, often sweet alcoholic beverage.
Definitions include: "pop" (popular) music aimed at the young, characterized by being upbeat rather than complex.
Definitions include: amazing.
Definitions include: a beer.
Definitions include: to get pulled over by the cops; could also mean getting arrested.
Definitions include: shortened form of "general population".
Definitions include: a borderline anorexic woman who loses so much weight that their head is too large for their body.
Definitions include: a person who is addicted to pills.
Definitions include: soda; soft drink.
Definitions include: to shoot.
Definitions include: to shoot someone.
Definitions include: to get an erection.
Definitions include: to develop or have an erection
Definitions include: To masturbate (male only)
Definitions include: to sit down.

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