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Definition of boojee



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Other terms relating to 'miscellaneous insults (list of)':

Definitions include: A term invented in 2003 by American columnist Dan Savage to disparage US Senator Rick Santorum due to his statements about homosexuality.
Definitions include: a tourist.
Definitions include: a person who has problems using modern technology.
Definitions include: a depressing female.
Definitions include: a know-it-all.
Definitions include: poor, uneducated Caucasians.
Definitions include: someone who pretends to be a gangster.
Definitions include: a prostitute.
Definitions include: someone who is new to a particular group, activity, game, field of study, etc.
Definitions include: a rich person.
Definitions include: a female yuppie, often living in the suburbs; "soccer mom".
Definitions include: a generic insult.
Definitions include: to raise of the middle finger on a hand with the other fingers closed to the palm, towards a person.
Definitions include: a derogatory term, used most often to describe males; "jerk", "asshole".
Definitions include: a snowboarder.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a massive disaster.
Definitions include: one who "hogs" up all the males.
Definitions include: A derogatory term for German soldier and in some cases anything or anyone of German origin. Coined and primarily used during the United State's involvement of the Second World War.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: a hockey game or something that went all worng.
Definitions include: a retort; "take that".
Definitions include: an unpleasant female; bitch.
Definitions include: cowardly, "wussy", lacking in manly fortitude or lasting power.
Definitions include: to urinate on one's self.
Definitions include: to leave a place to go somewhere else.

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Have never heard it(21)  

How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 48 votes: 39%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">boojee</a>

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[ boojee]

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