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Definition of browncoat


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Definitions include: worse the ninth, the ninth thing called worse
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: See all-nighter.
Definitions include: penis
Definitions include: The ability to stay in one place while on ice, satin sheets or otherwise slippery areas
Definitions include: to take the time to enjoy life.
Definitions include: Wida you. What's up.Nigerian (port Harcourt) street slang Eg wida you? , Widal na? Wida your compass(mostly used by frat members to other members
Definitions include: thing.
Definitions include: "remember what I say."
Definitions include: The female interest, wife or co-star of a television evangelical celebrity whose devotion to their religion is directly related to the width of the putty knife used to apply their makeup.

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Average of 9 votes: 28%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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[ browncoat]

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