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Definition of bulge


  • the visible presence of male genitalia in clothing.
    Kristi in Ohio: When I look at guy's bodies, I'll have a peek at his package but you can't tell if his bulge is comes from his having a big cock, big balls or both; that's I usually check out his face, hair, arms, abs, disco tits and butt before looking at his package.

    Last edited on Nov 24 2015. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 02 2009.

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Definitions include: good.
Definitions include: inadequate, displeasing, or of poor quality.
Definitions include: abbreviation of "heinous."
Definitions include: temperance due to guilt of previously being gluttonous
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: to arrange things in one's favor.
Definitions include: acronym for "fucked up beyond all belief".
Definitions include: romantic physical affection like kissing, stroking and touching.
Definitions include: a gulp.
Definitions include: alternate form of "master."

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