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Definition of capisce


verb - transitive

  • to understand. Used as a question. Pronounced colloquially as "ka-PEESH", and frequently misspelled capish, capeesh, kapish, etc.
    Joey expects his money by Monday. Capish?
    We have to finish this work by Monday, capish?

    Last edited on Apr 23 2013. Submitted by Gail P. from Washington, PA 15301, USA on Oct 20 2002.


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Other terms relating to 'to understand':

Definitions include: "crystal clear", i.e. easy to understand.
Definitions include: misspelling of "capisce".
Definitions include: to understand.
Definitions include: to understand something so completely that one "over"-stands.
Definitions include: to see.
Definitions include: to figure something out, esp. to finally grasp something difficult and elusive of understanding.
Definitions include: to support an action.
Definitions include: to become aware of underhanded dealings.
Definitions include: to be engaged completely (e.g. mentally, emotionally, etc.) in a situation, not just physically.
Definitions include: to understand.
Definitions include: to leave.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to attempt something.
Definitions include: misspelling and mispronunciation of up the yin-yang.
Definitions include: to spin the tires of a motor vehicle, causing smoke / dirt to fly everywhere.
Definitions include: a person who manipulates others, esp. for his or her own profit.
Definitions include: a promise that something will happen in the future.
Definitions include: to continue to make a situation go from bad to worse.
Definitions include: paranoid, worried, crazy.
Definitions include: 1) unlucky person, implies mild disrespect.
Definitions include: a bad person.
Definitions include: hemp, marijuana.

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