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Definition of charitist



  • a person who believes in charity as the highest moral virtue

    Last edited on Oct 03 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 03 2024.

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Definitions include: nickname for an anaesthetist, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: A female hustler who is from the hood/ projects and learned what it's rocking with early in life. She knows the streets inside out and so she isn't afraid of shit on them. Highly respected, loyal and will do anything to hold hers down. A Trap Girl takes care of her man and rides for him always. Never disrespected, not even by her haters. You can take her to a black tie event or a crack house, she's equally comfortable both places. Independent female who can do it on her own. A Trap Girl loves the hood and she isn't afraid to show a ghetto side. Good fighter and capable of sass, class & trash. She may seem stuck up or shy but she's really just focused on her next move. She's not purposely rude, but she's definitely not friendly and if she doesn't like you, you'll know. She likes Trap Music and loves to fuck

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