Definition of clunker
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Other terms relating to 'car, motorcycle, or other vehicle': |
Definitions include: a large car. |
Definitions include: alternate spelling of hoopty. |
Definitions include: misspelling of jalopy. |
Definitions include: small car with lots of power. |
Definitions include: a cheap, worn out car that just barely functions. |
Definitions include: any sport motorcycle or replica of a race motorcycle, usually Japanese in origin. |
Definitions include: a large car. |
Definitions include: a fixed-gear bicycle. |
Definitions include: term used by law enforcement to refer to a decrepit automobile, due to the belief that the occupants likely have arrest warrants. |
Definitions include: a decrepit automobile. |
Definitions include: a car in the style of those stereotypically driven by pimps. |
Definitions include: an attractive female. |
Definitions include: an AK-47 assault rifle. |
Definitions include: a motor vehicle in which one shags - i.e. has sex. |
Definitions include: a needle used to inject drugs. |
Slang terms with the same root words
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| Definitions include: to upper management. |
| Definitions include: someone who has a friend they use for sex, usually paid. |
| Definitions include: a portmanteau of "what are you doing?". |
| Definitions include: flesh hanging loosely from bones. |
| Definitions include: to be excited by. |
| Definitions include: the scrotum. |
| Definitions include: to masturbate. |
| Definitions include: see Aunt Flo and cousin Red. |
| Definitions include: a person who is easily fucked with, and because of that, people enjoy fucking with them. |
| Definitions include: a toned-down version of the original. |
I use it | (1) |
No longer use it | (0) |
Heard it but never used it | (2) |
Have never heard it | (2) |
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54% (See the most vulgar words.)
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[ clunker]
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