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Definition of crackalackin'


  • what's up or what are you doing today. Also written as "crack-a-lacking".
    Yo what's crackalackin', pimp?
    • See more words with the same meaning: to happen.

    Last edited on Apr 25 2013. Submitted by shana r. from Pittsburgh, PA, USA on Nov 11 2001.

  • What is going on; What do you want.
    What's crackalackin kid?

    Last edited on Dec 13 2001. Submitted by shanda j. from Cincinnati, OH, USA on Dec 13 2001.

  • happening.
    Hey, what's crackalackin?

    Last edited on Oct 11 2012. Submitted by Sheeklasoo from USA on Feb 01 2003.

  • a substitute for any word.
    Then I was crackalacin down the street...
    He was crackalacin at me for no reason!
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Oct 11 2012. Submitted by Sheeklasoo from USA on Feb 01 2003.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to happen':

Definitions include: as a greeting, a rhetorical question asking about what's happening.
Definitions include: to happen without problems.
Definitions include: good
Definitions include: alternate spelling of crackalackin'.
Definitions include: v. to flatulate.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of crackalacking.
Definitions include: happening.
Definitions include: to express that something is inevitably going to happen; to express that something will occur;
Definitions include: cool, tight, etc.
Definitions include: "happening".

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: a person whose business involves marijuana.
Definitions include: contraction of bimbo and ho.
Definitions include: used after an adjective to indicate extremes or excessiveness; "very", "really", "extremely".
Definitions include: A naked selfie
Definitions include: to be very hot.
Definitions include: geometry dash subzero is a fun rhythm game of navigating shapes through a beautiful universe.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: Pronouced (guy-it)
Definitions include: Actual sound of fart
Definitions include: to appear.

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