Definition of cushiony
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Other terms relating to 'business (related to) ':
Definitions include: speech commonly found in corporations, often filled with buzzwords, jargon, and "verbed " nouns.
Definitions include: acronym for "small office / home office".
Definitions include: "very".
Definitions include: of an entire task, the easy portions.
Definitions include: shortened form of "business."
Definitions include: a break in the workday when employees gather to ingest drugs.
Definitions include: to hire a new employee or bring someone onto a team.
Definitions include: at a place of employment, to do little work while waiting for one's stock options to vest.
Definitions include: "business".
Definitions include: a person attaches themselves to high profile task or project in order to enhance their own career.
Definitions include: to start one's work shift.
Definitions include: a "traditional" business with a physical presence.
Definitions include: a meeting.
Definitions include: to invent ideas and solutions, usually by coming up with as many as possible while not rejecting any out of hand.
Definitions include: a person hired for their expertise.
Slang terms with the same root words
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Definitions include: an HP-UX computer.
Definitions include: in collusion.
Definitions include: to inform about a crime.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated
Definitions include: to panic or worry
Definitions include: to hack into the addressed person's computer.
Definitions include: to become extremely angry.
Definitions include: a small penis... the opposite of shlong.
Definitions include: to complete a task with excellence.
Definitions include: a comment that usually serves no other purpose above telling listeners (or more often: readers) that the speaker (writer) is in the technological "in group".
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18% (See the most vulgar words .)
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