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Definition of DPBabol



  • DPBabolitionist, shortening of DPBabolitionist

    Last edited on Sep 29 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29 2024.

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Definitions include: unequivocal support
Definitions include: interjection indicating one is impressed, usually used sarcastically.
Definitions include: a person who spends the winter in a warm place.
Definitions include: A condition occurring when a single feces of such extreme length that it begins at drain trap and extends above water line and rests on porcelain surface of toilet bowl.
Definitions include: traveling in luxury, pleasurably wandering and sashaying, not worrying about other things.
Definitions include: if two or more people call shotgun without calling no j ("no joust") they would have to play rock paper scissors for the position.
Definitions include: Someone who can't back up their threats. Related to pussy
Definitions include: transfixed.
Definitions include: The act of increasing someone's workload because of their ability to complete their current workload efficiently. i.e. Punishment in the guise of a reward.
Definitions include: acronym for "big fucking gun".

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