the process of smoking certain drugs on aluminum foil, or the feeling thereafter, as in I'm firled. From southern Mississippi - form the ordinary pronunciation of the word foil as "furl."
Let's firl.
See more words with the same meaning: to do drugs.
Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by andrea from Seattle, WA, USA
on Feb 12 2003.
Definitions include: A socio-economic philosophy and theory proposed by author Jonathan Bluestein, in his book of the same name, from the year 2020. Prosperism is a type of Capitalism in which minor limitations of wealth, in tandem with less government intervention and regulation, shift the social dynamic between human beings in a given society, for the better.
Definitions include: Darn, con-sarnit, darnit, dangit, dag-nabbit, dang, dangit, derby, doam, etc. Used to express frustration in place of explicative language.