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Definition of fritata



  • Commonly used as a politically correct way to say "retarded." Effectively used due to the words sounding similar. Originated and popularized by the television show "The League".

    Last edited on Sep 19 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19 2012.


  • an excellent teacher. Best in the school. Goes above and beyond to teach students academic and life lessons.
    Mr. Wilson is a fritata. I like him better than all the other teachers in the school.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Mar 26 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19 2012.

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Definitions include: see gaylord.
Definitions include: the act of reaching from behind a person to touch body parts of a sexual nature.
Definitions include: used to describe extreme situational discomfort
Definitions include: a person who frequently reports misbehavior.
Definitions include: comes from the word smegma
Definitions include: One who comes out of nowhere and snag's another person's food before they know what's happening.
Definitions include: A slang form of saying someone can rap, rhyme or vocally articulated. Compare to Verbiage, Maccin, Lyrical,RAP, Gift of Gab, and Wordy. Example: Hey Cousin I finally heard you [spitt] and you were very good.
Definitions include: a hard worker.
Definitions include: to kick a female in the groin.
Definitions include: See Chrismahanukwanzakah.

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