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Definition of fubared


  • Extremely intoxicated (f--ked up beyond all recognition).
    I got fubared on my 21st birthday.

    Last edited on Aug 26 1998. Submitted by Rosewater from Grand Junction, CO, USA on Aug 26 1998.

  • Fubared: fuck up beyond all recognition Can apply to people or situations.
    This situation is fubared.

    Last edited on Oct 13 1998. Submitted by Kimberlee M. from Manhattan, KS, USA on Oct 13 1998.

  • a fellow peer who is "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition."
    You are so FUBAR'ed.

    Last edited on Oct 12 2004. Submitted by Heather I. from Fresno, CA, USA on Oct 12 2004.

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Definitions include: used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount.
Definitions include: to jump and land horizontally, facing downwards, usually into water.
Definitions include: a playa who stays on top his game, never falling.
Definitions include: the Volkswagen Type 2 camper van.
Definitions include: misspelling of junkie.
Definitions include: the ear-thumping wind produced when the rear windows of a car are lowered
Definitions include: acronym for "laughing on the inside".
Definitions include: to get seriously inebriated!
Definitions include: A woman who is not looking for any type of relationship with the men that she encounters in her life, other than to performing oral sex on them for the express purpose of swallowing their semen-(seed).
Definitions include: see ASLR.

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