Definition of fuq
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'censored replacements for offensive terms (list of) ':
Definitions include: censored (bowdlerized) version of "fucking ".
Definitions include: See shit .
Definitions include: far less vulgar replacement for "fucking ".
Definitions include: acronym for "what the fuck ?".
Definitions include: euphemism for "fuck ".
Definitions include: a "polite" replacement for the word "fucking ."
Definitions include: a general exclamation.
Definitions include: censored version of fuckstick .
Definitions include: an intensifier.
Definitions include: "so fucking ".
Definitions include: a non-offensive expletive.
Definitions include: it means to ignore, let go or pay him/her no attention.
Definitions include: a person who is strange or different.
Definitions include: fuck .
Definitions include: to do poorly, fail.
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
Definitions include: Wall Street.
Definitions include: to do something enthusiastically.
Definitions include: the body of a person.
Definitions include: The act by Liberal Progressives or the Govt to lie to (and screw over) the American people or an individual because they know their agenda would not pass (or if an individual be believed) if they told the truth or were transparent.
Definitions include: cash in or make a lot of money. Sometimes, "rich."
Definitions include: A person who listens to "classic rock" (late 60s through 70s). Usually wear denim, boots. Often found living in the hinterland of a major city.
Definitions include: acronym for "let me know".
Definitions include: Speculation about the origin of the term includes the custom of the Easter Egg hunt observed in the U.S. and many parts of Europe, as well Faberge' eggs containing hidden objects.
Definitions include: redneck
Definitions include: a police officer.
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67% (See the most vulgar words .)
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