Definition of geit
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Other terms relating to 'sex, sexual intercourse': |
Definitions include: sex in which an overweight participant's fat jiggles. |
Definitions include: to have sex. |
Definitions include: to have sex with someone, any type of sexual intercourse. |
Definitions include: An endearing term for a close friend or acquaintance. |
Definitions include: sexual activity. |
Definitions include: see "run a train." |
Definitions include: to have sex with someone who has an attractive body but an unattractive face. |
Definitions include: to have sex. |
Definitions include: to participate in an orgy. |
Definitions include: lacking excitement or people; "boring". |
Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse with a woman. |
Definitions include: sexual intercourse involving at least one male. |
Definitions include: to have sex with; "give it up". |
Definitions include: to have sex. |
Definitions include: to make an attempt. |
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
| Definitions include: to be overly fawning so as to win favor. |
| Definitions include: the word "fuck" or one of its variants, when used at an inappropriate time or place. |
| Definitions include: a "look-a-like"; "doppelganger". |
| Definitions include: to prepare for hardship. |
| Definitions include: to provide someone with money or physical things that are needed |
| Definitions include: a hair brush used by hoochies. |
| Definitions include: a very large number. |
| Definitions include: A happy female |
| Definitions include: beer. |
| Definitions include: A joke meaning if your wear large, out of style glasses, no one will want to have sex with you. |
I use it | (2) |
No longer use it | (0) |
Heard it but never used it | (0) |
Have never heard it | (16) |
Average of 9 votes:
41% (See the most vulgar words.)
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(To vote, click the pepper. Vote how vulgar
the word is – not how mean it is.)
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[ geit]
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