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Definition of Ghbboston


  • Ghb violent gang activity that involved me and my pregnant body as an individual and I was left ghbed by elena Sarah grey victor condino alone in brockton and they got a family involved in performing their dirty work n lifetime an inexperienced shortlived escort career lady robbed of like only a 700 dollars injured my fetus and placenta most likely and further more have sentenced who r threatening mean money capitalizing and client stealing sexually dominant men to home break me and threaten my pleas to bail my innocent baby daddy out by this Monday by October bc I need him and they r known for setting g me up with predators ghb not meth meth and taking my partners blank and blank using them physically financially and faking everything leaving them never supporting them or responsibly lookingatter bailing out or even emotionally supporting in anywayswhatsoever andthey try to getmysister to tell them snitch type things via text and fb on my other family members these ppl have an officer request info on me or my ex bf and our criminal offenses that r not real committed or at all faults of our own or real they enjoy torturing my family sending poor indiv in my family to jail sexually exploiting my sister making her want t o hurt her family bonds with her own blood in exchange for small fakemeth and its bc they can't get her in bed and or like I want them castrated in nail career criminal and s3x offenders. victor sarah elena Marley all of them and the pimps and the threatening men predators n customer friend and money leaching ppl they send to steal more clients sure take me u needed newtonian ghb professional like responsible for all of Boston's rape drugs over the last 10 yrs u dese4vethat and dont touch my bf victor bails him out n for immunity or 911 u guys dont contact my family and bail him out n get caught in traffic n threaten n take n conceal n ghb rpae drug event me again and I promise u can't but I shud have to witness u begone out of court n bod get rid of Marley elena and Sarah I'm sick of them hurting women and taking from men and stealing my friends money business and being fake pasty exceptions to the rule and sending james mikey tim axel marley any pred they can to ruin me or selling altered bathsalts to oh no one and like u know brockton ppl 10 yes nset up violent acts newtonian ghb mafia so who'd put it past u to try set up my family that u home broke n stole men dont want u ever and u steal n turn out n u get 150d n teeth missing if I find u 5 yes I with no time all 3 of u u B prey onpregnantppl cops asks escorts to call me making baby orgasms noises r offensive n rapists n I'm sorry i hate the sound but u r real like hard core n no one cares mayday dont touch my men or family or babies retards u got nothing always how n no time even bc u slypetty conniving nasty ugly victor threatening ever blackmailing j then like u stole seroquel n I got 5150d table salt then mikey Andrew I'll buy n die cool
    Tim said words I got texted a crew blackmailmalware me and I got ppl on them watching me and their cop friend too is being investigated si blackmail me again bronies paid u 200 to be diplomatic n no bailposted u r wrong g ugly ppl I can't pretend I know u find me I dont ask u to come visit brockton n Rockland u guys rallthe same newtonianaffliated theirs go steal poor pols homes here n come back for mymeds n more pls someone tim ur not wrong but thay crew is.

    Last edited on Oct 30 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 30 2020.

  • Sarah grey marley victor mikey and elena u nasty nobodies Boston police they r guilty of gang ghb eventing me and turning me out sending mean diseased pimps setting me up 5150ing me stealing medications and sleeping with my men and taking their time n money n selling bathsalts se dem to jail n victor goes to unless he bails my faminstead of sending a pred like last week immediately and by the end of the October I want them gone n often streets help dea pls clean up my no bail idk those ghbmaking weirdos n they to send me less men n offe ders setups n notghb n steal my psych meds and then pretend I got ppl they know r bad involved and idk at all like I had men they used and tried to send away no bail and did home break harm unborn children in front of with ghb and like then MDMA and pimp men they send to take from my friends they charge arms n legs to sell bathsalts n other shit to ppl n fam I know or try to tell jess tot all drug online bad things bc he works with cops n then they like do it bc idk y where's brockton fam that vic's gf warned about the salted discreet looking drugs n stuff they sold to them bc they r poor I think n I got hurtin them even n victor itsnonly 50 000 and a report and u cud hate my for life but I won't report u n get 50000 n it still happens like fam breakers newtonian r career criminals I need them in jail by November all mentioned bcthey r gross
    Group home and u all gets a court date me only against them and I want the agents to stay away cop clients to stay away I hate not being able to hire a lawyer or mentally communicate with men who deserve to be talked to in a way that is respectful Marley go home ur gross take em.

    Last edited on Oct 30 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 30 2020.

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Definitions include: acronym for "I think I'm going [to] be sick" or "I think I'm gonna be sick".
Definitions include: a man who prematurely ejaculates.
Definitions include: a person who is known to use drugs and to be high all the time - especially one that uses crack.
Definitions include: a metaphorical list of second-rate people and things (who don't qualify for the a-list.)
Definitions include: two people who look very alike, regardless of genetics.
Definitions include: a person who watches sports and believes one could do a better job than the players or coaches.
Definitions include: to tape something very firmly.
Definitions include: to have sex.
Definitions include: on a social networking website, to remove someone from one's list of friends.
Definitions include: a great quantity.

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