Definition of graff
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'graffiti (related to)': |
Definitions include: to vomit. |
Definitions include: graffiti written in the grout between tiles. |
Definitions include: Wow! |
Definitions include: good; excellent; "cool". |
Definitions include: a graffiti mural. |
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
| Definitions include: a general exclamation. |
| Definitions include: pornographic. |
| Definitions include: acronym for "for future reference". |
| Definitions include: A household utensil for boiling or a caldron, fishhook, pan, washpot or thorn, especially a masculine one |
| Definitions include: A sperabion, used to differentiate the similar pronunciations between sperabion and speravion |
| Definitions include: a stereotypical college aged white male. |
| Definitions include: to pearl, eat it, go head over heels, endo, wipeout. |
| Definitions include: an insult. |
| Definitions include: a person who sells schlock - worthless or low-quality goods. |
| Definitions include: Minutes. |
I use it | (3) |
No longer use it | (0) |
Heard it but never used it | (3) |
Have never heard it | (10) |
Average of 8 votes:
19% (See the most vulgar words.)
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(To vote, click the pepper. Vote how vulgar
the word is – not how mean it is.)
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<a href="">graff</a>
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[ graff]
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