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Definition of grommet


  • a young - typically pre-pubescent - surfer. 1960s slang.
    Wally's brother Beav is a grommet down at Huntington Beach.

    Last edited on Sep 20 2013. Submitted by Dan Balicki from Central Coast, CA, USA on Mar 06 2008.


  • an inexperienced surfer, skateboarder, or snowboarder.

    Last edited on Jul 03 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 03 2013.

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Other terms relating to 'sports (related to)':

Definitions include: a snowboarder.
Definitions include: shortened form of "the big leagues".
Definitions include: a simple minded person, never cognizant of the world around them; MORON.
Definitions include: see get to 3rd base.
Definitions include: aggravation.
Definitions include: a biscuit.
Definitions include: a girl who dress up for a hockey games hoping to get a date with the players.
Definitions include: football (soccer.)
Definitions include: to be successful.
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: the police.
Definitions include: basketball.
Definitions include: anabolic steroids.
Definitions include: to defraud; "swindle".
Definitions include: a decision that will be made close to the time of acting upon that decision.

Other terms relating to 'young person':

Definitions include: A young attractive girl.
Definitions include: form of address for a young person.
Definitions include: a young person.
Definitions include: a child or children.
Definitions include: a child.
Definitions include: acronym for jail bait.
Definitions include: a young person or child.
Definitions include: term of address for a child.
Definitions include: small rodent.
Definitions include: a person who is between being a young child and a teenager.
Definitions include: a younger romantic interest.
Definitions include: acronym for "funny looking kid", an insult used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.
Definitions include: affectionate form of address or reference for one's significant other.
Definitions include: child.
Definitions include: a young person.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: Also "newb", "n00b", "newbie" or "nub".
Definitions include: a comical derogatory term used towards someone you dislike immensely.
Definitions include: To reiterate multiple things
Definitions include: to perform small tasks, often around the house.
Definitions include: really cool or awesome
Definitions include: to take a risk, especially when one is about to say something.
Definitions include: a drink consumed after an alcoholic drink, especially fruit juice or cola after a shot of liquor.
Definitions include: to perform several activities at once.
Definitions include: to have unprotected sex.
Definitions include: sexually attractive.

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