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Definition of gyeah



  • exclamation of positive sentiment.
    That burger was so juicy. Gyeah!
    Boss called and told me I'm off today. Gyeah.
    Man, Roar really does love children. Gyeah!

    Last edited on Feb 17 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 25 2011.

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Definitions include: a cathartic outburst of profanity.
Definitions include: to act like a responsible adult.
Definitions include: Come over or climb or jump over-
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Definitions include: Bad person, moron, idiot.
Definitions include: too much. crazy.
Definitions include: to be leaving.
Definitions include: to perform cunnilingus.
Definitions include: the dumb (unintelligent) masses.
Definitions include: to drink (alcohol) with friends, before going out to a bar, clubs, parties etc.

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