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Definition of had wings

have wings


  • Referring to something (often an idea) that could possibly develop into something big.
    That idea has wings.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by FlyingAnvil from Bend, OR, USA on Dec 07 2009.

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Other terms relating to 'have':

Definitions include: "The answer to your question is obviously 'yes'."
Definitions include: for every bad thing that happens, there's something positive about it.
Definitions include: acronym for "good luck, have fun".
Definitions include: acronym for "have a great summer".
Definitions include: acronym for "Have a nice day."
Definitions include: a person who was once famous or successful, but is no longer.
Definitions include: a person who has been a lesbian but now lives a heterosexual lifestyle.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: to have a ball, e.g. a great time.
Definitions include: to have a a problem or grudge with someone.
Definitions include: to reveal information that one shouldn't.
Definitions include: a promiscuous woman.
Definitions include: to be very skilled in a particular area.
Definitions include: See blast.
Definitions include: to have a grudge to discuss.

Other terms relating to 'wing':

Definitions include: to be okay; not a big concern.
Definitions include: to give oral sex to a woman on her period, for the first time.
Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Democratic party.
Definitions include: politically far-right, and exhibiting Nazi-like tendencies such as fascism and white nationalism.
Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Republican party.
Definitions include: to become a mentor to a person.
Definitions include: shiny, flashy, in style
Definitions include: to attempt something without preparation.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of wingman.
Definitions include: a crazy person.
Definitions include: see also have wings.

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