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Definition of hill climb racing

hill climb racing

  • Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure in hill climb racing, where your driving skills and daring stunts are put to the ultimate test on the craziest terrains imaginable!

    Last edited on Jul 23 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 23 2024.

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Definitions include: dumb.
Definitions include: loud excitement.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "moron"; "idiot".
Definitions include: term of endearment for a loved one.
Definitions include: used only for comparison, to imply that a person is either insane or unintelligent.
Definitions include: an area of a (usually shared) residence where a male can enjoy his hobbies independent of normal house rules (usually of orderliness or cleanliness.)
Definitions include: an unattractive person from the Bush, i.e. the country-side of Australia.
Definitions include: See in the hell.
Definitions include: to go on a murderous rampage after having society's pressure build on you.
Definitions include: ours, irregular

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